Prof. Msc Adriana Vieira tem artigo aprovado na revista Springer

A Prof. Msc Adriana Vieira tem artigo aprovado na revista Springer Nature.
"Review of the application of surfactants in microemulsion systems for remediation of petroleum contaminated soil and sediments"

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-25622-4


Review of the application of surfactants in microemulsion systems for remediation of petroleum contaminated soil and sediments | SpringerLink

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Mural com os trabalhos da imersão do Futuras Cientistas

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fevereiro 26, 2023
Prof. Msc Adriana Vieira tem artigo aprovado na revista Springer

 A Prof. Msc Adriana Vieira tem artigo aprovado na revista Springer Nature. 
"Review of the application of surfactants in microemulsion systems for remediation of petroleum contaminated soil and sediments"

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